martes, 13 de junio de 2017

The Great Offender

Forgotten Heroes - Lance Blastoff

Lance Blastoff is a mercenary and adventurer that travels across the universe. Lance is extremely selfish. He only does good things when there is a reward or gain for him.
He is seen first seen saving a woman (on the "Dinosaur Planet") from a T-Rex. After sleeping with the woman, Lance left the planet via his spaceship. He got a distress call from a group of aliens standarded due to their spaceship breaking down. Instead of helping them, he lobotomized them and sold them as pets.

Lance was created by Frank Miller in the parody comic Tales to Offend #1

Lance is the character i try to replicate for the Forgotten Heroes competition.
As you can see i took some different pieces from various 'Heroclix' miniatures and i assembled them to replicate Lance's look.

The only thing i'm not proud enough is the pose he have, too static. But is my first miniature tuned, so... pretty happy with.

2 comentarios:

  1. Smashing conversion Wampley, I have to a ADMIT I've never heard of the character, but then that's what "Forgotten Heroes" is all about. (re-posted to the FH site).

    Cheers Roger.

  2. That is absolutely superb! What a great conversion.
